邢台奥投帕特汽车配件有限公司是一家专业从事汽车刹车鼓,轮毂,刹车蹄,车桥总成及密封件的集团公司,公司有刹车鼓铸造成一个,轮毂及刹车蹄铸造成一个。车桥总装厂一个,密封件制造厂一个。有总经办,结算部,采购部,品控部,信息部,外贸部,后市场部,配套部,生产部,设备部及储运部等十几个部门。形成了完善的公司管理体系。 年生产刹车鼓20万只,品种涵盖适用于国内市场的解放轻重卡,东风轻重卡,中国重汽重卡及矿用车,北方奔驰重卡及矿用车,江淮轻重卡,陕汽重卡,郑州日产轻卡,上海申沃客车,郑州宇通客车等众多国内车型;适用于国际市场的奔驰、沃尔沃、斯卡尼亚,DAF,MACK,卡玛斯,依维柯,日野,三菱,尼桑,五十铃,大宇,现代,玛斯,乌拉尔 等。 XINGTAI PF AUTO PARTS LIMITED COMPANY is located in Longyao gucheng industrial area B-1, Hebei province which is the largest vehicle chassis parts manufacturing base in China. The company is specialized in manufacturing brake drum, wheel hub, Axle series for commercial vehicle, currently it has became one of the leading manufacturer in Hebei province. It covers an area of 80,000 square meters. The total assets is 300 million RMB, including fixed assets of 180 million. It has 3 axle production lines, 50 sets of CNC lathes, 5 finish machining workshop, 1 axle assembly warehouse, 2 large scale products warehouses. Moreover, the annual outputs are 150,000 tons of brake drums ,